it's strange but I love the sound in the valley out of body as it is and also the most recognizable of the things the valley does to the body but since I never see the welcome signs nor register my hunger as a welcome sign nor see my distorted body in the mirror as a welcome sign it is the sound that welcomes me so soft with undertones of bellowing and loud ticks as a welcome sign my own ticks
as a welcome sign welcome to the valley I know, I know I've been here before in fact several times this year
well yes of course it feels unsafe here but think how it is up there on the peak the things you can see and once you see them you have to take care of them what? This year just started? The fiscal year I mean I think in fiscal years because you get to say when they start based on your obligations and your debts not stars I'm no hippie so the stars won't help me plan my trips to and from the valley what? I mean I'm not a hippie that way. I mean I've stopped believing in anything other than debts and obligations and that means calendar years too so when I say I've been here several times this year I mean not since a few weeks but since July.
Yes the sound in the valley is my favorite is at its loudest now and also how heavy the gravity is that how it always works are you lighter on mountains or is it just the air that's thin not you and then it's hard to breath? But it's in the valley breathe comes heavy and how loud! How loud it would be with the softness surrounding the accent on the keyboard and a sense of song I heard it first from the alarm clock as a child (the ages run together) but it was the Disney clock, golden, playing bippity boppity boo and Boo! the sound had changed and I was there, or rather here I guess since here I am but at the time of course it was my mind and not my body and feeling them separate I knew not who to tell.
But now I have the language the language of topography and expectation and of sound I love the sound the confirmation not I'm not avoidant just insane and trapped or on vacation I can't help right now can't make decisions but why should I this American obsession with productivity I'm simply a sophisticate in Europe they all take vacations have you heard? So I can't see beyond the sounds the mountain walls green slopes and distant tumbling rocks approaching but so far I'm safe. There's danger but the sound alerts you, so
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